Shaivism Philosophy & Practice

Śaiva Siddhāṅta Philosophy

Śaiva Siddhāṅta is the name by which Tamil Śaivism is known. The expression literally means “the settled conclusion or final position of Śaivism”; and it serves to distinguish the system from non-Śaiva Schools as well as from other types of Śaivism.

*/ 2. The Canonical Scriptures The primary sources of Śaivism are the twenty-eight Śiva Āgamas , of which the Kāmikā is the most important. The authority of the Vedas is also recognized. Saint Tirumular, author of the Tirumantiram says: “The Āgama , as much as the Veda , is truly the work of God; the one (Veda) is general and the other (Āgama) special; though

*/ 3. Main Categories The main categories of Śaiva-Siddhāṅta are: pati (God), paśu (soul), and pāśa (bond). According to this system, God, soul and matter are all real ; and so the Siddhāṅta is a pluralistic realism . God is the highest reality in the Siddhāṅta system. He is referred to as pati because he is the only lord of all beings. The very first

*/ 4. Liberation The release of the soul is accomplished through four means which are called caryā , kriyā , yoga and jñāna . These are, respectively, the paths of the dāsa, sat-putra, sakhā, and sat . The soul that goes by the path of caryā ( observance ) behaves as the servant ( d āsa ) of God: Cleaning the temples of God, rendering

Shaivite Hinduism Explained

Śaivite Hinduism explained, by Satguru Śivāya Subramuniyaswami, the head of Śaiva Siddhāṅta lineage of Śivaism. The work is large and in progress….please check back often, as new parts and knowledge will be updated constantly here….

Vīra Śaivism: History and Literature

Vīra-śaivas were called Vīras or heroes for their heroic attitude in an aggressive or defensive manner in support of their faith. There is a general tradition that Basava, a Brahmin, son of Mādirāja and Mādāmba was the founder of the Vīra-śaiva sect. Basava was appointed as the minister in complete charge of Vijjala’s treasury and other administrative functions.

Vīra Śaivism

To develop Vīra Śaivism into a full-blown system, to give it an independent social status, to make it definitive and distinctive from Śaivism was reserved to the genius of Basava, a great hero of Karṇāṭaka of the 12th century.Vīra Śaivism as a religion owes its birth to Basava. It started from Śivānubhava-Mantapa, the religious house of experience, which was a spiritual and social institution.

Kaśmīra Śaivism

Kaśmīra Śaivism, as a monistic system of thought, as distinct from ritualistic religion, arose in Kaśmīra in the 9th century A.D.It is a non-Vedic system, because it does not recognize the Veda as the final authority. It is primarily based, not on reason nor on Scriptural authority, but on the most direct experience of the true reality through spiritual discipline, the practice of Yoga.

Thirukural of Tiruvalluvar

The Thirukural is a 2 200-year-old South Indian Tamil - Dravidian classic on ethical living. Thiru means “holy” or “sacred,” and kural describes a brief verse or literary couplet. This poetic masterpiece is one of the most revered Holy Scriptures in South India. On most part it deals with questions of ethical living, how to deal with daily situations, things that are good to note

Yamas and Niyamas | Restraints and Observances

Religion Teaches us how to become better people, how to live as spiritual beings on this earth through living virtuously, following the natural and essential guidelines of dharma. For Hindus, these guidelines are recorded in the Yamas and Niyamas, ancient scriptural injunctions for all aspects of human thought, attitude and behaviour. In Indian spiritual life, these Vedic restraints and observances are built into the character
