Teachings of Haidakhan Babaji | 2 part


25 DECEMBER 1981

Shastriji Speaking for Babaji

Since the creation of the earth, God has always come to see and protect His garden of the universe. So He appears from time to time to weed out the tares and guide the devotees and all good people in the proper line.

At the present moment, God Himself has manifested in this universe to see the garden of humankind. The Vedas and the Upanishads repeatedly have said that this Lord Shiva is the only God; He is the Creator, Destroyer and Protector of the universe. This has been brought to the notice of everyone since the incarnation of God in Human form.

First of all, I am going to tell you that the future prophesied for India has been fulfilled. India has now become self-sufficient in respect of food grains. Apart from that, Babaji has started many social works - free distribution of food and clothing, free dispensaries and servicing schools and temples. He is guiding devotees in the proper way to realize oneness with God while He is protecting them. He has

told about the coming disaster and destruction and how to save one's self from these times which are fast approaching.

Before the appearance of God in human form as Babaji, everyone knew that India was starving. The Indian Government was asking, even begging, for food from every country and food was being imported. Since his appearance, Babaji has performed 147 yagnas (sacred fire ceremonies and rituals) in many provinces of India and this has blessed the country and the world.

Among the different forms of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh which have appeared, Babaji in the human form now is here with us. It is our great fortune to see God in human form and enjoy everything that he gives to us. He teaches us Truth, Simplicity and Love and how we should behave with each other; how to love and how to share food and all things among us.

Whenever God is incarnated in human form, we see that the question of caste and creed does not arise. Everybody knows that gurus and saints have started their own religions and thus create separate lines of thought and separate sects. There has been no unity among these groups; everybody has been jealous of each other. Now Bhagwan has unified all religions. This accommodates every caste and faith, just like one family. All religions are incorporated in this principle of Truth, Simplicity and Love. People of all faiths and creeds are coming to His Lotus feet. From every corner of the world people are coming here to live and work as one family. This is the final proof of what he has started.

This is the real acknowledgement of God; whenever He comes, He unites all religions of the world into one religion. That is, He had made the Hairakhan Samaj to accommodate Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, etc., in one family. We see that the realities of God exist in Shri Babaji.

This day is a most important and auspicious one, as we are celebrating Christmas here in a universal way. In the history of mankind this is the first time that Christ's birthday has been celebrated in such a way.

Now we have gathered here in a very important place. (This speech was given on ground dug out of a steep hillside to make a place for nine small temples, a big garden, barns and houses, and a large open space on which a tent had been erected for the Christmas celebrations.) Once there were only heavy rocks and many wild bushes; the place was not fit for living; not even wild birds could live

here. Now what has been constructed here is the product of people from all corners of the world. They have worked hard; they have shed their blood here; all this is the fruit of their hard labour. They have made this place comfortable, and this is due to the blessing of Babaji. Through His blessings they have been able to make this place comfortable quickly and yet simple.

Babaji has always remained here and the work has been done in His presence, despite hot sun, rain, and cold wind. So you want such a God Who Himself takes part in work with the labourers and Who sometimes has worked as a labourer Himself and shown the labourers how to dig, cut and remove the rocks. He Himself has shown this to us. Now the time has come to show the Path to others; how to do hard labour, not by sitting around, occupying His seat and issuing orders, but participating in all.

Babaji has started all types of social work - dispensaries, educational institutions, distribution of clothes and feeding the poor. He has given money to buy horses, cows, and has created jobs. He has not only done this work here, but is expanding all over India. There is a very big ashram in Vapi, in Gujarat, where Babaji has started a dairy and hospital for animals, schools, and other social activities. There are ashrams in Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya, Pradesh, Assam, Madhuvan (Mathura), Vrindāvan, Patna, etc. Everywhere His social activities are going on.

Once Parvati asked Lord Shiva, her husband: "You have done good work for the people in all ages, but I am afraid for the people in the Kali Yuga; how will they safeguard themselves?" Then Lord Shiva told Parvati: "I will appear in the Kali Yuga and I will create a new state, a new center of religion - a most important place, where I will live and establish all the Gods there.

All the foreigners and visitors who have come over here are descendants of the great rishis and munis. We should learn from them; their sacrifice, their devotion, their duty-bound work, all these things we should copy - how they are performing their duties here, physically, mentally, and financially. In all these things, they are giving help.

Many of the foreigners who have come here were searchers for a great Satguru (Supreme Guru). Many others had visions or dreams of Babaji in their own countries and then came here to answer his call. They have worked hard and have done a fine job. Babaji is not at all attracted or tempted by material things. Whatever costly clothes the devotees bring to Him and He puts on, He takes them and distributes them to devotees. All that He does is for the betterment and benefit of all. We see this daily. So far as food is concerned, what He eats is negligible. He takes very simple rice, no cereal, and only a little fruit. But His feasts for us are from morning till night; He goes on feeding us like anything. Whatever comes to him. He never keeps anything in store. You can see that; and this is part of the reality of His divine quality.

We are unable to understand Babaji's divine Līlās. As human beings, we cannot understand Him. He has come to give to us, but we are not fit to receive. We have first to make ourselves fit to receive, then we can sit near Him and understand Him.

Since his appearance, He has started the most important things. First, the yagna (sacred fire ritual/ceremony) ; secondly, the recitation of Om Namaḥ Śivāya; thirdly, the Sanātana Dharma, which is the religion that came with the Creation of the Universe: He has re-established it and is teaching us how to follow it. Fourthly, He is always giving clothes to the needy and medicines to the ill.

We see that God, in human form, from the beginning of time, from Creation to the Kali Yuga, appears in this universe for the benefit of mankind. This is not a new God; He is the Supreme God and it is His divine Līlā that He appears from time to time, as the times and conditions warrant. God has always given a new birth to all the creations and activities of the universe.

God now blesses every devotee on the auspicious occasion of Christmas. All your desires will be fulfilled and you should take to your heart all the prasad (blessed gifts from God) and garlands which He has given; and go on reciting Om Namaḥ Śivāya as much as you can.

God Himself says that action is the real duty. One who lives like an idle man is a dead man. He does not like such people. He says that one should be most duty-bound; one should be active; he should work hard in his life and then he can get success. God says work is worship. This is the Karma Yuga (the Age of Work). Only he who acts is considered to be alive; without action, one is like a dead person.

A person who does not do some kind of constructive work is like a dead person. A new kingdom is coming very soon. When the new kingdom is established, only the person who does karma (i.e., works) will survive.

While working, you should always recite the mantra you like; you should always recite the mantra.

The coming destruction is going to take place in such a manner that only the person who is doing some karma, some work, will survive it. One should not lose courage; one should always be enterprising, trying to do something more than what he is doing.

A person might argue that when destruction is going to take place, why should I work? Why should I do any karma? But that is not right. One should work to his last breath. Idleness should always be avoided.

Babaji likes human beings. Humanitarian work should be done by all of us. Babaji wishes humans well. A person who follows this and who always keeps humanitarian rules in mind will be loved by everyone and shall survive all this destruction and shall remain happy. One should try to bring these humanitarian ideas to everybody who does not have them.

What does one mean by humanitarian rules and humanity? Babaji says one should not have any hatred towards anyone; one should try not to let down other people; one should try to help others; one should try to love all.

In this new kingdom, everyone should be good. Babaji expects all this from you. And you should try to preach this to others - to those who are not here. Teach it to others; not only those around you, but in other countries, in the whole world - wherever you go, one should try to put it into practice.

Babaji thanks you all who have been so courageous as to come here and to do this work. He thanks you all for that.

28 DECEMBER 1981

A person who does not do some kind of constructive work is like a dead person. A kingdom is coming very soon. When the new kingdom is established, only the person who does karma (i.e., works) will survive.

The coming destruction is going to take place in such a manner that only the person who is doing some karma, some work, will survive it. One should not lose courage; one should always be enterprising, trying to do something more than what he is doing.

A person might argue that when destruction is going to take place, why should I work? Why should I do any karma? But that is not right. One should work to his last breath. Idleness should always be avoided.

Babaji likes human beings. Humanitarian work should be done by all of us. Babaji wishes humans well. A person who follows this and who always keeps humanitarian rules in mind will be loved by everyone and shall survive all this destruction and shall remain happy. One should try to bring these humanitarian ideas to everybody who does not have them.

What does one mean by humanitarian rules and humanity? Babaji says one should not have any hatred towards anyone; one should try not to let down other people; one should try to help others; one should try to love all.

In this new kingdom, everyone should be good. Babaji expects all this from you. And you should try to preach this to others - to those who are not here. Teach it to others; not only those around you, but in other countries, in the whole world - wherever you go, one should try to put it into practice.

Babaji thanks you all who have been so courageous as to come here and to do all this work. He thanks you all for that.

5 JANUARY 1982

During evening Darśan

Babaji says that many Western people like Lokpal Singh (the chief minister of Justice), Motu Begum Mahal, Radhe Shyarn, Sita Ram, Ganga Singh etc., have helped to create unity in the Haidakhandi Samaj. They work day and night to contribute to this unity. You should all follow their example. These people have worked very hard for the benefit of human beings in this world. Baba congratulates everybody. Gora Devi does tapasya (austerities) day and night for the benefit of the world. Babaji hopes that by the great effort of these devotees, things will become good. People should follow their example.

Little time is left before you shall see the new world. You don't have to wait much longer now.

To all the Italians who have worked very hard, who search diligently for God, to all of them Babaji is very grateful. The Italians will soon rejuvenate the Sanskrit language and the old Roman culture will be revived. Babaji hopes all the Italians will follow the path of truth and leave their addiction to drugs, which are not good for them. Babaji requests all the people who come here not to get addicted to drugs or other things like that, which are bad. Learn good, teach good, try to be good, hear good. Do good deeds and teach others. Babaji' hopes and plans that there shall be peace in the world without weapons.

Babaji hopes to spread knowledge and stop the atomic science which is bad for the world. Today the world depends much on atomic energy. Whenever such sciences have reigned, the world has been destroyed. This is why during the time of the Ramayana, under the demon Ravana, Lanka was destroyed. Science today still has not reached the limits of knowledge that existed in the time of Mahabharata. Science then had really achieved limits that have not been reached yet today. For example Lakṣman was able to place a protective line around Sita which could not be broken.

Babaji wishes for peace in the world. You may think that Babaji just sits here doing nothing. But He has been everywhere and is everywhere and is doing much. Babaji sitting here is still present in the hearts of everyone in the world.

Babaji shall see that there is great peace in the world. It has been written in all our great religious books that when Babaji comes, He shall be loving and help the cause of peace.



Everyone should come to Āratī on time. It is Motu's responsibility to see to this.

You should all help keep the temple and kirtan hall in order and clean. To look after the temple is your responsibility.

You will live with the storms; you were born in the storm, so you should have the guts to fight the storms.

This is Radio Hairakhan speaking.

All of you should be ready. I will start a new revolution. A lot of revolution has already taken place. You may think that Baba does nothing but sit here; but He goes everywhere; He does everything, sitting here. The revolution is already on - all around the world.

We should give people inspiration from here.

I will not go around with a stick. You are the Messengers of the Revolution.

Later, you will be the Messengers of Peace, but now, of revolution.

Vishnu Dutt Shastri spoke for Babaji; at the end of the speech, Babaji prompted each sentence. This speech was given in the Company Bagh (Garden) when work was under way on that project.

25 MARCH 1982

Hairakhan Bhagwan and all devotees:

The Lord's Powers came here to change the world and by the sattva guṇa they change everything. They don't need any other assistance. He doesn't give any special importance to this change being done by these Powers - it is like a game or play to Him. It is His natural, spontaneous function. It is just like an innocent child who collects many materials to play with and, for example, builds a toy house and then destroys it.

There are some children who don't like to play with toys but want to cling to their mothers - like Chiao (a small girl present at the meeting). They are always very anxious to be with their mothers. People who are like these children are called devotees (bhaktas); they choose to remain with God.

God comes to initiate us in Karma Yoga. Those who live in this world, which is a field of work, lose a great deal if they don't work, don't progress, remain idle. In every atom of this earth, Brahman is all-pervasive. Therefore, knowing this, if one tries to work day and night in this world, they find God easily.

Those who see the great God in the sun, moon, stars, earth, air, fire, and water, and always meditate on Him only, get success in life and are the true devotees.

The Lord has come to give us true knowledge, but to understand knowledge is beyond human capacity. The sins of thousands of years are destroyed when He has made us to do pranams to Him and when He gives His Holy Touch. He expects every human being to make this world beautiful.

Up to this time, many incarnations of the Lord have brought war and violence to bring peace to the world. He is now preparing your hearts for the coming revolution, so you can face it peacefully. He has faith in no particular army; each human being is a part of His army and He will face atomic bombs and cannons with the power of the Word of God. On one hand, certain countries are busy creating weapons and armaments; and on the other hand, Babaji is nullifying these by having people loudly repeat the Word of God, bringing spiritual change.

In the eyes of God, no one is big or small. In every heart, the Consciousness there is His Reflection. In a short time He is going to destroy the bad elements and then change the revolution into peace.

The moving of stones from one place to another (this refers to the work going on at the site of the speech) is for your concentration and spiritual growth. When the insentient stones which are lying here become moved, Babaji installs in them a new consciousness. The stones are not lying here without purpose; they are also doing penance. By touching these stones, we receive a vibration of Higher Consciousness. We don't see anything outwardly, but this contact changes our body, mind, and spirit.

Whatever He is teaching you here, you must do at home, also. Babaji doesn't teach the Kriya Yoga which makes a disciple to leave all action. Whatever He is teaching, He is teaching practically. He doesn't want men to become like stones, without any activity, becoming idle. There are 300,000 nerves in our bodies; to give energy and consciousness to these nerves is the Kriya Yoga that Babaji teaches.

He is the Lord of the Universe. He enters into people's hearts and changes their thoughts. All changes taking place now are due to a simple motion of His finger. Wherever He goes, He puts new consciousness in people and brings spiritual change. Otherwise, He has no need to go from place to place.

His principle is service to humanity without expectation of reward. By distribution of this prasad (Babaji was Himself peeling fruit, while Shastriji talked, and having it distributed as blessed food), He teaches us to share with all equally, whatever we possess. Whatever is a part of the Lord's creation belongs to no particular person, but rather to all.

He is not preaching any new religion. He has come to preach the religion which occurred at the time of Creation, and that is the Sanātana Dharma - the Eternal Religion. He has come to preach the Sanātana Dharma only.

We can determine the date from which every religion started. For example, the Muslim religion was started by Mohammed 1400 years ago and this is recorded in their scriptures. Christianity started with the birth of Christ, 2000 years ago. Before Christ and Mohammed existed, the world and its peoples were living. The Sanātana Dharma has been followed for thousands and millions of years and no one is able to trace the date it began. You may try to understand this spontaneous religion this way: The dharma (law or nature) of fire is to burn; the dharma of water is to be wet; the air has to blow. Can one tell on what day the fire started to burn, the water to be wet, and the air to blow? No one can say.

Sanātana Dharma is like a great ocean. From that ocean, each country has dug canals according to their needs and purposes. But canals cannot give total satisfaction as the ocean gives complete bliss. The Lord is showing a vision of the Sanātana Dharma, which is like the great ocean, and this is the greatest form of knowledge.

Until now, people only had knowledge of their own canals. Now the Lord is showing us that we aren't just bubbles in a canal, but rather bubbles in a great ocean. As long as we have individuality we are seen as bubbles; when we disappear, we are one with the ocean.

Placed before the sun in the sky, a thousand pitchers of water will reflect the sun. Then you will see that the sun in the sky is only one, but the reflections are many. As the sun reflects in all the pitchers, Babaji, sitting here, reflects in the entire universe.

Through the instruments in radio stations, news is broadcast to the world. You are all like radio stations. Even if Babaji says something to ten people here, it is broadcast to millions. Each of you will tell ten people more, when you return to your country.

There are ten temples here at Hairakhan. They are symbols. They show us that the body is a temple with ten senses, and we must install God in our hearts within this temple. This body is a moving temple of the Lord. He wants us to make this temple so beautiful that wherever it goes, people would like to worship, have great reverence for it, and try to gain knowledge from it.

He has come to the world to save it from destruction; otherwise, this world would have ended. And now all of you have come to His shelter.

This is not an ordinary meeting; it is a Karbar - a Royal Court. This parashu (pointing to a ceremonial weapon that looks like a battle axe) is the "daṇḍa" of destruction, and those who do not obey will be destroyed by this. Those who are obedient will be protected by this weapon. Those who do puja, worship, and obey orders of the Lord will receive only soft punishment . . . .

Hail to the Raj Danda of Hairakhan Bhagwan! See, the conch has started blowing. (Another Shastri had begun to blow a conch.) It is a good omen. It means something correct or true. The sound of this conch has gone into the three worlds.

At this point Shri Babaji began to speak and Shastriji reiterated and amplified his comments:

Shri Babaji: I want to create brave people in this world.

Shastriji: I am just a humble servant of Babaji; whatever He asks me to to tell you, I will repeat.

Shri Babaji: I want to remove violence from the world.

Shastriji: Bhagwan wants to remove violence totally from the world. People have become like dogs and cats, killing each other. Now the time will come when the cow and the lion will drink water from the same well.

Shri Babaji: I will remove idleness.

Shastriji: Babaji says He wants to remove idleness completely and those who are eating without working cannot survive now.

Shri Babaji: There are certain elements that are destroying creation, but they will be destroyed. One half of the work is almost over.

Shastriji: After His appearance, He has finished one-half of His work.

Shri Babaji: At this moment My representatives are all over this world. At the correct moment they will do their work.

Shastriji: Babaji has never left here, but He has sent His representatives all over the world, and in other worlds, also His work is going on.

Shri Babaji: The great revolution is very near! There is no one in this world to stop it. This is a time of great destruction. Everyone must become spiritually strong and courageous. He alone can survive who has spiritual courage. Without spiritual courage, one is dead though he is living. The time is coming very soon. So that is why you people all must work. And be brave. Everyone must consider himself a humble servant of the world.

Shastriji: We must become egoless.

Shri Babaji: Further will be told in the next court.

Shastriji: Today the Darbar comes to an end and all the saints and rishis who have come here (in spirit bodies) to attend this Darbar are leaving.

5 APRIL 1982

Everyone who comes here should be prepared to do any kind of work. In this Age, work purifies you and is the best spiritual practice (sadhana). Lord Krishna has said in the Gita that a man should work until his last breath. Work is such a good thing that it relieves man of all ailments.