Shaivite Hinduism Explained

The Four Dharmas

Dharma is God’s divine law prevailing on every level of existence, from the sustaining cosmic order to religious and moral laws which bind us in harmony with that order. When we follow dharma, we are in conformity with the Truth that inheres and instructs the universe, and we naturally abide in closeness to God. Adharma is opposition to divine law.

Good Conduct - Yama and Niyama

Good conduct is right thought, right speech and right action. It is virtuous deeds in harmony with divine law, reflecting the soul’s innate purity. Good conduct, or sadāchāra, for the Hindu is summarized in five obligatory duties, called pañcha nitya karmas.The yamas and niyamas are scriptural injunctions for all aspects of thought and behavior. They are advice and simple guidelines, not commandments.

Ahimsa - Non-injury

Ahiṁsā, or non-injury, is the first and foremost ethical principle of every Hindu. It is gentleness and non-violence, whether physical, mental or emotional. It is abstaining from causing hurt or harm to all beings.The actions of all Hindus living in the higher nature are rendered benign, or Ahiṁsā. One would not hurt that which he reveres.

The Central Purpose of Marriage

The two purposes of marriage are: the mutual support, both spiritual and material, of man and wife; and bringing children into the world. Marriage is a religious sacrament, a human contract and a civil institution.They are equal partners in joy and sorrow, companions and helpmates, yet their functions differ.The purpose of sexual union is to express and foster love’s beautiful intimacy and procreation.

Hindu Marriage

A happy marriage is based first and foremost on a mature love, not a romantic ideal of love. It requires selflessness and constant attention. For marriage to serve its spiritual purpose to the highest, husband and wife should hold the same beliefs and share the same religious practices. Their harmony of minds will be reflected in the children.The couple should be prepared to work with

Children in Hindu Family

Children are the greatest source of happiness in marriage. Householder life is made rich and complete when sons and daughters are born, when the marriage becomes a family and a new generation begins.The fundamental duty of parents is to provide food, shelter and clothing and to keep children safe and healthy. The second is to bestow education, including instruction in morality and religious life.

Ways of Wisdom

In the subconscious mind, there are subliminal traits or tendencies, called vāsanās, which shape our attitudes and motivations. The troublesome vāsanās clouding the mind must be reconciled and released.There are beneficial tantras by which absolution can be attained for unhindered living, including āyurveda, jyotisha, daily sādhana, temple worship, selfless giving, the creative arts and the several yogas.

Hindu Celebrations | Sacraments

Hindus celebrate life’s crucial junctures by holy sacraments, or rites of passage, called saṁskāras, which impress the subconscious mind, inspire family and community sharing and invoke the Gods’ blessings.Through Vedic rites and mantras, family members or priests invoke the Gods for blessings and protection during important turning points, praying for the individual’s spiritual and social development.

Hindu Festivals

Festivals are special times of communion with God and Gods, of family and community sharing and sādhana.Among the major Deity festivals are Mahā Śivarātri, Vaikāsi Viśākham, Gaṇeśa Chaturthī, Skanda Ṣaṣṭhī, Kṛittikā Dīpam, Vināyaka Vratam, Ārdrā Darśanam and Tai Pusam.Besides the temple festivals, there is a multitude of home, community and national celebrations.

Shiva Temples

The Śiva temple is the abode of God Śiva and Gods and the precinct in which the three worlds consciously commune. The three pillars of Śaivism are the temples, the scriptures and the satgurus. These we revere, for they sustain and preserve the ancient wisdom. Śiva temples, whether they be small village sanctuaries or towering citadels, are esteemed as God’s home and consecrated abode.
